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Nalgene 水壺 安全性???
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山欣實業股份有限公司         聲明稿

針對蘋果日報報導,一加拿大運動用品店 MEC 將 Nalgene PC 水壺下架一事,做出以下澄清 :
MEC 是加拿大一家登山用品公司,暫停銷售所有品牌的 PC 塑膠類製品 (包含  Nalgene 水壺) 行為為自已公司之決定,加拿大政府並無要求,加拿大政府的 PC 材質測試報告澄清其材質安全性後 MEC 公司將會繼續銷售。


Nalgene 是美國最大的實驗室及醫瘵用容器生產商之一,生產 PC 塑膠水壺已有 50 多年的歷史了。Nalgene 不僅通過了美國食品及藥品管理局 FDA 的 GMP 認證,也通過了醫瘵器材品質管理規範與試驗認證制度 ISO 13485。多年來多國 (美國、德國及日本) 多家強而有力的認證機構,都無法提出 PC 對人類健康危害的直接證據。而且 PC (7 號塑膠含 BPA),已被大量廣泛使用於人們生活中多年了,包含水壺、奶瓶、牙醫用黏著劑,大部分的食物、飲料容器 (桶裝蒸餾水容器)等。目前全球包含美國、日本、德國等 40 幾個國家仍然持續正常銷售 Nalgene PC 水壺。




Nalgene Response

In response Mountain Equipment company’s (MEC’s) decision to suspend the sale of polycarbonate water bottles, we want to provide some clarification to help inform our retailers and consumers.

MEC removed all food and beverage containers made from polycarbonate, including brands other than Nalgene. MEC continues to carry a full line of Nalgene products madd from many different materials. Nalgene products are available at thousands of stores in more than 40 countries across the globe.

Nalgene has monitored scientific research concerning the safety of its products for many years. As a US manufacturer, the business meets all applicable manufacturing standards, including ISO 13485, to ensure the quality and safety of its products.

Agencies and researchers worldwide have studied the safety of BPA and polycarbonate for approximately 50 years, including The Environmental Protection Agency and The Food and Drug Administration in the USA, The European Commission Scientific Committee on Food, The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment and the Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Findings of studies fro these agencies indicate that food and beverage containers manufactured from polycarbonate do not pose a health risk to humans. As a result, polycarbonate is used in a wide variety of consumer products including baby bottles, water bottles, dental sealants and the lining of most food & beverage containers.

“Rarely has a chemical been the subject of such intense scientific testing and scrutiny, and still important agencies across the globe agree that there is no danger posed to humans from polycarbonate bottles”, said Tom Cummins PhD, director of new product research and development, Nalgene and Nunc Brand Products. “We’ll continue to work closely with our polycarbonate suppliers and monitor research publications and regulatory developments worldwide to ensure the safety of our manufactured products”.

Consumers can visit the following web sites for more information :

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) study

American Chemistry Council

Environmental Protection Agency

American Council on Science and Health



最後更新 ( 2007/12/28 )
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